IBEW - What's new - [23 January 2025]

  • Complete redesign - maintaining the general web links for brass bands and associated websites - which had been the major part of IBEW over the last 25 years - had become untenable. Other methods of obtaining access to current websites, social media and other resources for brass bands today are available and, in many cases, more effective and up-to-date. As a result, IBEW has been pared down to concentrate on its unique offering - a resource database for the history of brass bands and associated ensembles/subjects. For more details, see the menus at the top of this page.
  • IBEW resources - most of the content now lies within IBEW, although there are links to external resources where appropriate, particularly for existing historical resource sites.
  • Document archive - some 5,680 articles, theses, and books on a variety of brass historical and current subjects, are stored in IBEW and freely available for viewing/download.
  • Scanned history - over 815 documents and items, including concert and contest programmes.
  • My personal research - in addition to being available via Academia and Researchgate, over 220 articles and books are collected here, and freely available for viewing/download.
  • IBEW Blog - smaller posts about various topics in the history of brass bands.
  • Brass Band Bibliogrphy - 14,500 entries
  • Vintage Brass Band Pictures - over 25,000 images to browse
  • Vintage Recordings - listings of 78rpm, vinyl and CD recordings
  • Image Gallery - over 4,000 brassy pictures
  • Vintage Player Pictures - nearly 2,000 images of early bandspersons and brass soloists
  • Vintage Bandstands - images from around the world
  • Humour - collected band and musical humour


Facebook History of Brass Bands
History of Brass Bands

Heritage Quay
Brass bands archive

Brass Band Results
Database of contests

News and articles